Web Printing 101.
Here we break down the basics of what web printing is and the pro’s and cons.
Web Printing Explained.
Web Offset print is a printing process in which a continuous roll of paper feeds through the press at high speeds making it ideal for medium to large run print projects. Heat-set web print includes an in-line drying process, as well as options to fold signatures in-line for perfect and efficient finishing. Web printing presses are considered the production champion of the offset print industry, making them a more cost-effective way to produce your medium to large print runs. As a comparison, a web press will typically run 50k impressions per hour vs. 15k impressions per hour on a traditional sheetfed press. A six-hour press run on a traditional sheetfed press can become a one-hour project on a web press saving you time and money—if the quantity lends itself to a web press.
Does Web Printing Look as Good as Sheetfed Printing?
Yes! Yes, it does! Unlike other typical web shops, here at Courier Graphics, our web print quality looks identical to the quality of sheetfed printing. Courier Graphics has the most advanced technology available in the market today, allowing us to print at a staggering 226-line screen, where most other web presses across the country print at 150- to-175-line screen. Imagine the sharpness and clarity gained when you are able to print at a higher line screen your images and fine details will jump off the page!
Web Printing Pros & Cons